Thursday, 30 April 2015

Reconnecting #16: They don’t make them like they used to

After the marathon my sister Lucy and I went to the BFI (British Film Institute) on the Southbank. They have a great gift shop and they have am archive viewing room where you can watch anything on their archive for 2 hours for free! Considering the weather turned cold (although it had been all day but my cheering at the marathon kept me warm) we thought this was a good way to spend an afternoon.

With such a big collection of British films and TV programmes, what to watch was a pretty big decision. We browsed through the collections and found a Kids TV collection and ended up watching Byker Grove. Not just any Byker Grove episode, it was the paint balling one. The infamous episode where PJ gets blinded, where no doubt lots of people have refused to go paint balling ever since. It was very cheesy; the way it was shot, the dialogue, the hair and the fashion. But it was good to take a trip down memory lane.

We also watched a programme about Going Live, and seeing Philip Schofield with brown hair was a novelty. His presenting must have improved as the programme was about what children thought of the show and they all said they liked it when Philip made mistakes.

I hadn’t used the archive facility at the BFI before, but I’ll definitely use it again.

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Reconnecting #15: The best day in London

On Sunday I went to cheer on strangers at the London Marathon with my sister Lucy and my flatmate Charlotte. I last went to cheer about 3 or 4 years ago and I’ve been meaning to go back every year, but other things have got in the way. For me not being a huge fan of the city, it’s the best day in London.

I was on the lookout for my old uni friend Ness and her husband Andy, and the Radio DJ Greg James. To my disappointment I missed them all; I must have been blinded by Greg’s height.

Like the previous times I’ve gone it was great fun, as soon as I saw somebody’s name on their top I started shouting….and didn't stop. Lucy had to get a bottle of water as my voice started to falter about 20 minutes in. I then remembered I had a megaphone in my bag which Lucy had got me for as an ironic Christmas present years ago. Ironic because I don’t need it as I talk so much. (A few days on my voice is still a bit sore.)

Once I got the megaphone out there was no stopping me, I started singing the batman theme tune for a couple of guys dressed as batman and I sang Let It Go for a couple dressed as Elsa and Ana from Frozen. I can’t remember how many people I called my hero or that they were my man but I loved every minute of it.

Lucy also set me a challenge to see how many high fives I could get in a minute, disappointingly I only managed 7. The biggest buzz from cheering was seeing people that were walking when they approached and back to running once I started cheering. I don’t whether that was to get away from my shouting or I actually encouraged them to start running again.

I’ll definitely be going back to cheer next year, I hear George Clooney is going to be running and he’ll need my support for certain!

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

New Film #29: Headhunters

For my final film I decided to ask my friends for help and they suggested a film that I should watch. I put all the options in the hat and Headhunters was the winner.

It was suggested by Elliott who is an old uni friend of mine. He’s also a massive film fan and I’ve got a 1001 films to see before you die book and he had seen the most films in that book.

                                     Elliott and I 3 years ago

Headhunters is a Norwegian film about a headhunter who basically wants to steal a really valuable painting, but with any thriller, obstacles get in the way. I think it was the first foreign film that I had seen and I was really impressed .I only recognised one of the actors as he was in The Other Women which came out last year. Headhunters kept me gripped, was fast paced but there were a couple of gross out moments. I won’t tell you these, because I recommend you see the film, but it’s a case of seeing is believing. It was a great film to end the film part of the 29 challenge.

Monday, 27 April 2015

New Food #18: Posh food

My friend Rachel had never had Sushi before which for someone who is very go with the flow, is quite surprising. So when myself, my friend Rae-Anna and Rachel were in Milton Keynes, we went to Yo Sushi!

I thought I’d go for something new I hadn't tried on the menu and there was seared tuna and caviar at the bottom of the page. So I thought why not. With caviar I've had perceptions thanks to film and TV that it tastes quite revolting, but it tasted okay, a smoky fish flavour, and considering its fish eggs this isn't surprising! It didn't make my face pull a funny expression or anything. Some things are very over reacted these days.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Meet New People #13: Everybody get up

Last night I went to see Five with my friend Jen. They were my favourite boyband as a teenager and I saw them when they were part of the Big Reunion as a 4 piece, then on their own tour also as a 4 piece, and last night as a 3 piece!

                             A couple of years ago at the Big Reunion concert

Also at the concert were Jen’s brother’s friend Gihan and her friend (whose name escapes me.) They were both great company and a sign of my age I did have to show Gihan’s friend the dance routines to their classic songs!

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Reconnecting #14: Coffee and Meryl Streep

A few years ago I was a Wedding Coordinator at a local venue. I was there for nearly a year and planned weddings for 8 months of those. While working there I got on really well with Charmaine the Conference Coordinator. Both weddings and conferences were pretty hectic and there were times we were overworked and understaffed. Charmaine and I were each other’s rocks. I knew she lived on skinny lattes and with a Starbucks round the corner I would buy her these to keep her going. We then thought me buying coffee for her was like Devil Wears Prada with Anne Hatherway being Meryl Streep’s assistant. And so the nicknames of Hatherway and Meryl were born.

When I left the venue I gave ‘Meryl’ a picture of our time together at the venue. This picture was a still of the Devil Wears Prada and I signed it as if I was Anne Hathaway. Years later and ‘Meryl’ still has this on her desk.

We hadn’t caught up since 2013, although we’ve stayed in regular contact. Today we had a lovely catch up in the sun at where else; Starbucks! Things got off to a great start when ‘Meryl’ called me saying she got a sunny table and I thought she said funny table, I asked how could a table be funny?!

                                                Meryl and Hatherway reunited
Like any good friendship it was as if no time had passed, we caught up on our working lives and found out we both loved Neighbours back in the day. So for our next catch we will be watching Devil Wears Prada, and Scott and Charlene’s wedding. It was great to catch up with ‘Meryl’, I hope it isn’t over a year until our next catch up.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Reconnecting #13: Punting paradise?!?

During my uni holidays I worked for a conference company. The company put on conferences for the Risk Assessment industry and on the second day of each conference we’d go punting and have a race. The delegates took it very seriously; teams would be put together on the first night and you could bet on which team was going to win, or buy shares in the betting book. I remember one night somebody bet £1000 on whether the chairman would be pushed into the river!

So for around 4 years every September I’d go punting in either Oxford or Cambridge. My boss would also take me before and after each conference to relax, and one of her friends taught me to punt. The pole is quite heavy and I very nearly hit my boss on the head.

I last went punting in 2009, and last Saturday I went again for my friend Rae-Anna’s birthday. It was a punting treasure hunt, so the first part was punting and then a treasure hunt. Because I’d been punting before I volunteered to punt first, and it was not how I remembered it. It was so much harder and tiring. I got so frustrated really quickly as it was windy so we ended up going round in circles. I slept very well that night!

It was good to reconnect with something I did years ago, but on this occasion I’ll stick with those memories of punting in September sun. It was less tiring and windy back then.

Friday, 17 April 2015

New Book #9: Always Managing

In the flat Charlotte and I like two Harry’s; Harry Styles and Harry Redknapp, and for my birthday way back in October she got me Harry Redknapp’s autobiography.

                                                        The two Harry's and I

I finally got round to reading it in the past couple of weeks and it wasn’t bad. When I was 13 I remember going on a family holiday and reading two football managers autobiographies back to back; Kevin Keegan and Kenny Dalglish. When you read books of the same theme, they start to merge into one.

With Harry’s story it was interesting to read about his footballing career and then managerial. It’s easy to forget he was once a footballer. What I learnt from the book was that he’s a very trusting guy and is hard working. It was written like he would talk, but considering he states near the start of the book that he can only write his autograph and his wife does all the paperwork, a ghost writer did a pretty good job of his story!

Thursday, 16 April 2015

New Album #7: What’s on the dark side of the moon?

To help me with my challenge, my friend Rachel gave me a few books and an album. So today while cleaning the flat I listened to Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon.

                                          Me with my music advisor Rachel

It’s quite a short album with only 9 songs, and with an iconic band like Pink Floyd I did recognise a couple of the songs; Money and Eclipse. Eclipse in particular has been on my mind; I’m not sure if I’ve heard it on a film or TV show, but its starting to bug me. If anyone knows the answer, let me know.

The album was okay, quite cool and chilled. Unfortunately it didn’t blow me away, I could see that it’s a high standard, but none of the songs have stuck in my mind.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

New Food #11: Warming basic

Cast your mind back a couple of weeks ago and it was a little bit on the cold side. So with some great reduced meat from my local Morrisons I decided to make a stew. And for the recipe I just followed what the packet recommended to do.

Stew is a favourite of mine, but the best part of all I forgot to add….dumplings! It’ll be something to master for next time.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Meet new people #12: Some people you don’t want to say goodbye to

As I’ve said time and time again a challenge isn’t always easy. And yesterday was pretty hard as my guy broke up with me. I’m devastated but at times like these I always finding writing helps. Last time a guy broke up with me I wrote an episode of my web series within 90 minutes of him dumping me. I guess it’s always good to put things in writing.

So my guy’s name is Matt C and I met him in November and he is great, we always had fun, I got on with his friends and family and I was always excited to see him. It wouldn’t be fair on him to explain his side of things, but ultimately after 6 months, he could no longer see me.

I love him, and I think what hurts the most is that it was nothing about us that was wrong, it was his past that he couldn’t escape. If only Doc and Marty McFly’s time machine was real!

I hope one day in time he can move on from his past and maybe we can get back together, but that is the chick flick way of thinking which does no good. He wrote a lovely letter saying that I shouldn’t sell myself short, I’m worth 100 times more than I think I am and I’m one of the most considerate, creative and caring girls he has met. So I’ll try and go forward with my head held high, but it won’t be easy.

So if you're reading this Matt, I hope your past doesn’t have such a strong hold on you one day, and I hope you can be truly happy like you deserve.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Writing 29 pages of a screenplay per month #3: Working my way up to a film

Evening good reader, hope you are well. For anyone who’s been reading the blog for a while, will have noticed that it’s been quite a while since I’ve done some screenwriting. For some reason a wave of determination hit me over the Easter weekend and on Saturday evening and Sunday morning I finished Stuck on You!

Stuck on You (which is a working title) is about a couple who reunite after 40 years and go on a European road trip with their grandchildren who are 18 and about to head off to university. The road trip is all thanks to a football sticker album completed by the couple when they dated in their twenties, which turned out to be worth a fair bit of money. Its 60 minutes in total, so an ideal length for a TV film.

I’m quite proud of myself for completing the screenplay as I’ve started a few that I haven’t got round to finishing. Of course first drafts are rarely any good, I can already think of a list of things to improve on it. But I’ve finished it and actually sent it to a friend to read which is a first.

It’s funny how people close to you can interpret a plot in different ways. For me it was inspired by collecting football stickers last year. However when I told my guy about the plot, he told me it was semi-autobiographical because of my close relationship with my granddad and my collection of film posters. Both points I didn’t even think about when writing Stuck on You. It’s interesting how stories can be interpreted in different ways by different people.

What I also did differently with this screenplay from other ones I’ve been writing is I didn’t do a beat sheet or develop characters in depth as I’ve done before. A beat sheet is where you write out what is going to happen every minute of the screenplay. It can give you guidance, but undecided whether it stops your mind thinking of ideas.

So I’ve completed one unfinished screenplay, and I’ve got two more incomplete. Time to visit old stories and see where they take me. One is sports based, and the other is about plan b, which one should I complete next?

Saturday, 4 April 2015

What constitutes a challenge?

Since starting the 29 challenge in October I’ve been thinking a lot about what constitutes a challenge. With so many physical challenges covered in the media; marathons, tough mudders and skydives, is a challenge just physical? If you challenge yourself in other ways, like what I’m doing in this blog, is it a less worthy challenge?

                                                    At the end of Tough Mudder

I looked at the dictionary to find the answer. By definition a challenge is the following:

      1 )     An invitation to someone to take part in a contest or to prove something.
      2)      A demanding task or situation.

      1)      Raise doubt as to whether something is true or genuine.
      2)      Call on someone to fight or do something difficult.
      3)       (of a guard) call on someone to prove their identity.

Definition of the word challenging;
Testing your abilities in an interesting way.

The definition of challenging is one I like the most. The 29 challenge is testing me in 11 different ways. I’m testing the senses, testing my intellect and opening my mind to different things I wouldn’t normally try. It’s testing my commitment to a hobby; screen writing which I’ll openly admit being the toughest part to keep up every month, and so far most months I haven’t been successful. I’m reading books I wouldn’t normally read, seeing films I wouldn’t normally see and listening to music I wouldn’t normally listen to. I’m opening my mind and to some having an open mind is the biggest challenge of all.

Let’s look at the first part of the challenge definition, taking part in a contest to prove something. Over the years I’ve done a 5km and 10km run, a half marathon, Tough Mudder and 50km walk. The latter two I did on my own because nobody was mad enough to do them with me. The training I did for the latter two I did on my own as well, and that’s a challenge in itself. Getting motivated to go for a run in cold winter when the snow is melting slowly but surely is tough. But I did it.

                                                       After my first race, the 5km.                         

There have been times when I’ve wanted to do a physical challenge and my body simply said no. When I was in New Zealand I wanted to do a bungee jump. I was 30cm away from the end and although my brain wanted to jump, my body wouldn’t let me. My fear of diving got in the way, and a second attempt ended in the same way. The other factor could have been too much waiting around; I was the lightest in the group and had to go last as the bungee cord had to be warmed up. When I did Go Ape, on the Tarzan jump I went straight in and did it. I knew if I didn’t then it could’ve ended up like the failed bungee jump.

                                                    Failing to do a bungee jump

I have proved something in every one of these events (even in the failed bungee jump), so have I got anything left to prove in physical contests?

Yes films can be easy to watch and books can be read easily, but it’s keeping up momentum when life gets in the way, that’s when the challenge becomes challenging. Currently I’m job hunting and trying to fit in the challenge and doing job applications is a balancing act. I’d much rather watch a film or try a new activity then write countless job applications.

Over the course of a year I am attempting to do 319 different things, surely that’s a challenge in itself? How many people can say they are trying to prove something 319 times?

So although I won’t be covered in mud, put my body through the mill, get a medal at the finish line or wake up the next day aching all over, I will have experienced more things in one year than I have ever done before. Bring on the rest of the 29 challenge!

Friday, 3 April 2015

Meet New People #11: Baking Royalty

Last night my pole sisters Harriette and Teri and I went to see a talk and book signing of Mary Berry. For those who don’t know who she is (yes there are some) she is one of the judges on the Great British Bake Off. But she’s been writing recipe books for decades before that.

Even when she walked to her seat in a dark blue sparkly dress you felt like she was royalty and I really wanted her to do a royal wave. Why she isn’t a dame is beyond me.

The talk was really interesting, finding out about her career, what makes her tick and of course throughout all this she gave baking tips. There was then a time for questions and there was a variety of ages in the audience. One question that stood out for me was; Mary your my favourite berry, but what is yours?

Our Mary Berry recipe book had already been signed by her before the talk, but if we wanted it personalised we could wait after the talk…..which we obviously did!

Unfortunately I couldn’t get a picture with her, but she said she nearly spelt my name wrong, and then looked up at me and because I was wearing just a dress she asked if I was warm enough! Even baking royalty cares for her people.

It was a great night and Teri, Harriette and I were very happy with our signed books. Harriette got her mum’s Mary Berry book she’s been cooking with for years signed, so that’s going to be extra special in her kitchen.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

New Activity #21: Dad and daughter bonding

Last Thursday it was my dad Bobby’s birthday and last year and this year I decided his present should be experience things rather than material presents. Going to see Casablanca was last years’ present and this year I took him to see Saracens vs Harlequins at Wembley Stadium.

Sport is mine and Bobby’s thing, we’ve been to quite a few football matches together and every year we go to the cricket at Lords. I haven’t been to see a rugby match before, and Bobby hadn’t been to live rugby since the 60’s and hasn’t been to Wembley Stadium either.

                                        How Bobby and I watched sport back in the day.

Our seats were about as high as you can get, and I think the last Six Nations match of England vs France spoilt the match. Purely because that was so exciting and dramatic, and while the match was entertaining, it lacked something.

                                                We were as high up as you can get.

Bobby and I did leave world record holders as we were part of the largest crowd at a club rugby match!