Friday, 4 September 2015

New Food #24-26: My local

A couple of months ago a gelato shop called Fabios opened two doors down from where I live. On the first day people were queuing down the street and I even wrote the shop a welcome to the neighbourhood card (in the hope of free gelato, but they didn’t reply.) I went there during the week and they have a variety of flavours on offer and including one called experimental. You can try before you buy and the guy serving said if I like salted caramel (which I do) I’d like the ice cream. So I tried it and I did.

I then went for a scoop of it and it was really creamy ice cream. I decided to find out once I finished what the flavour was. This is because a couple of years ago I had non-alcoholic mojito and I liked it until somebody said there was in mint in it which I didn’t realise and hate, and then drinking it afterwards I couldn’t stand it. So I thought if I was told the flavour halfway through I might not like it after hearing what it was.

It turns out it was actually olive oil flavour! And it was very smooth and creamy. So if it was on sale again I’d definitely have more.

Other new foods I have eaten recently have been veal, which to be honest wasn't the most memorable meat, it was a bit of a nothing taste. And I also tried coleslaw. You may think that I would've eaten coleslaw by now, but I hate salad and pride myself on being the body that salad didn't make. But eating it with a Nandos a few weeks ago it didn't taste to bad. But I wouldn't go out of my way to have it again.

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