Saturday, 19 September 2015

New Phrases #22-23: International events

At work I try to find a funny news story every day for me and my colleague Austin to talk over as it’s a way of breaking up the day. Yesterday however Austin randomly said to me on the subject of funny stories that it’s international talk like a pirate day at the weekend. And would you believe it google confirmed this was true!

There’s a whole website dedicated to the day and yes you’ve guessed it there were some pirate phrases to learn! I opted for a pirate phrase in German so ‘death and evil’ is Tod und Teufel in German.

With the rugby world cup starting yesterday, and New Zealand always having a big impact I learnt what welcome is in New Zealand is from my mate Tom who is living there at the moment. It’s ‘Haeri Mae’

So Happy talk like a pirate day!!! Arrrgghh!

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