Sunday, 17 May 2015

New Album #12 and New Book #15: A country double

For the latest album and book I’ve read I have to credit my sister Lisa as she is a huge country music fan and the large majority of the country music albums I listen to are hers. Country music for her started with Taylor Swift and it grew from there. In 2012 we even took a holiday to Nashville, which is one of the best places, the people are so friendly. It was part of a music holiday for me and my sisters and a way to mark the end of the Harrold sisters’ education. The second part of the holiday was to New York as my other sister Lucy is a huge Broadway musical fan.

It was in New York that I spotted Brad Paisley’s book on sale and Lisa being a big fan of his also, got his book and it’s the latest book I’ve read for my challenge. Diary of a Player: How My Musical Heroes Made A Guitar Man Out of Me is an autobiography or as Brad says a life in progress. It shows how he got to where he is.

The book is a good read and by the end of it, it made me want to jump on a plane and go back to Nashville! It was interesting to read that Brad got a D on guitar at college and his story about how his sons try a press down on the strings of the guitar while he is playing reminded me that either me or my sisters did that when we were younger when my dad played guitar.

Going back to Taylor Swift, I listened to her new album 1989. Having listened to all her previous albums thanks to my sister, I have to say it wasn’t as good as her previous albums. Red currently is the standout album for me. The songs on 1989 were okay, Shake It Off and Blank Space were both good, but the others not so much. For me it felt like some of the depth in the songs was lost in transition from country to pop. It’s good that she’s ventured into a pure pop album; as a result it might strengthen her country songs as a result.

 The Gulch where Taylor Swift was apparently living when we visited Nashville back in 2012.

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