Wednesday, 28 October 2015

New Comedians: What have I learnt and who was the best?

The comedian part of the challenge I was a little overwhelmed with. Apart from the last 2 comedians, all of them I saw doing stand-up, whether it be live or on DVD or Youtube. With this sort of format, they all have the same sort of rhythm and same sort of subjects they tell jokes on. This is absolutely fine because if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

What I’ve learnt about comedians and comedy is how tastes can vary dramatically. So quite a few recommendations fell a bit flat.

I was a bit disappointed with how few female comedians I saw for the challenge as well. I know the local comedy club does have female comedians do sets, but unfortunately they weren't the weeks that I went. I do really want to watch more comediennes so that’s one thing I’ll take away from the challenge.

And I think throughout the challenge I've got less funny! Maybe an overexposure to comedians might be why.

So who was the best comedian? It was of course Kevin Hart; his stand up I was laughing from start to finish. And as strange as it sounds Geoff Norcott my old media teacher was a close second. Who’d have thought it?

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