Sunday, 4 October 2015

New phrases #24-29: Insulting finish

For my food gathering some people brought a phrase with them, and my friend Fran did just that. She told me in German how to say my sister is sometimes annoying, which is; 'Meine schwester est manchmal argelich.' And I’m sure my sisters will use that one on me in the future!

My friend Kayleigh couldn't make the gathering but she text me a Spanish phrase that she had learnt on holiday. A very useful one in ‘Can I have the bill’ which is; 'La cuenta, por favour.'

In the book I’m reading at the moment a trip around Europe is the main focus and in one of the flashback scenes one of the characters says; Ton coeur brise se reparera rapidement in French and for some reason I liked the sound of the phrase.

The last few phrases are courtesy of my friend Rachel, a regular contributor to the challenge. She gave me a book of insults in a foreign language and when I started reading through them I couldn't stop laughing. It was a really tough choice to decide which ones to put in the challenge, and so I've decided on the following phrases:

Vorrei rompere qualcosa. Posso prendere in prestito il vostro naso? This is Spanish for 'I would like to break something. Can I borrow your nose?

Avete il cervello di un panino del formaggio. This is Italian for 'You have the brain of a cheese sandwich.'

Votre pay est comme une toilette. Il n'a pas besoin d'un président, il le besoin justes quelqu'un de vider toute la merde.' This is French for; 'Your country is like a toilet. It doesn't need a President, it just needs someone to flush all the shit away.'

So an insulting finish I think you’ll agree.

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