Monday, 15 December 2014

New activities and places #16, and new album #2: Lectures and Live Life Living

This is me and my friend Laura, also known as Twinee and as you can see we look quite alike. We've only known each other since June, but it feels so much longer. We were both temping at the local council and kept each other going when the days dragged on with not much to do.

I've moved onto a different job but Twinee is still there and wants a new job, so I gave her a motivational day to help her get a job. There was a bit of job hunting, some life lessons from Susan Sarandon in a Oprah Masterclass and then we watch a few TED Lectures. During the job hunting we had Example’s new album Live Life Living on in the background. I was meant to see him in concert a few weeks ago, but my plans fell through. I've heard a few of his songs before, but not heard a whole album of his. It’s a bit strange listening to a summer style album in winter. It’s not what I’d usually listen to but with this challenge, in particular the new albums part, it’s all about broadening my horizons.

The TED Lectures is a free lecture series and there are hundreds on YouTube to watch. The first one we watched was by Susan Colantuono and was called ‘The Career advice you probably didn't get.’ To be honest most of it went over my head, as it was about middle management and higher management career women. Lots of buzzwords and business jargon, which one day might make sense to me. We then started to watch a lecture by Meg Jay called: ‘Why 30 is not the new 20’ but we stopped it after a few minutes as it said your 20’s mark out your future career style and how you should be set up and establishing yourself during this time. This freaked me and Twinee out as my career so far has changed quite a bit, so we stopped the lecture promptly.

The final one we watched was by Matt Cutts who works at Google, and it was called: Try something new for 30 days. This one reminded me of what I'm doing with the 29 challenge. So not an amazing start with Ted Lectures, but there are quite a few that look good. In particular one by Jane Fonda, who was one of the main inspirations for the 29 challenge.

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