Thursday, 4 December 2014

New foods #8 #9 #10: An apple a day does not keep the doctor away in Rome

Fun fact for you, you can’t find apple juice in Rome, at least not in the hotel or shops we went in. Considering my favourite drink is appletiser and I like apple juice to go with my breakfast, I was wondering where I could get one of my five fruit and veg a day. (Yes appletiser does count as one of my five fruit and veg a day, it says so on the label!)

So Salvidor our trusty barman recommended peach juice, and I loved it. Although its probably got a day’s worth of sugar in it! I also tried grapefruit juice. I'm expert on the stuff, well grapefruit as I served a lot of it when I was a breakfast helper at an old people’s home. Grapefruit juice has a weird taste to begin with, and it was okay afterwards. I’ll stick to my apple juice though, apart from when I'm in Rome.

On our last night I also tried clams, but there was a lot going on with the meal, as you can see below. There’s tagliatelle, mushrooms, truffle, and clams. Clams, well the edible part of it, not the shell is tiny so if you’re eating it with pasta it could be quite well hidden. Eating it on its own is nice, not too salty as some seafood can be. It would be great to try again in a risotto.

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